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£14.6k grants support Hampshire community projects

Four Hampshire community projects are celebrating after receiving a share of over £14.6k project funding.

Sovereign Housing Association, working with not-for-profit digital fundraising platform The Good Exchange, gave grants to Bishop’s Green Community Association, Andover’s More Education, Basingstoke’s Fluid Motion Theatre Company, and Lymington’s St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery.

All awarded projects had to focus on growing community impact.

Bishop’s Green Community Association (BGCA) is using its £2,000 funding towards some of the running costs of the youth club, run by RMD Adventure Learning and held in the community hall.

Marian Dain, Trustee for BGCA, said: “The youth club was closed for several years but reopened as a result of generous donations like the one we’ve received from Sovereign.

“Families in Bishops Green appreciate this provision and RMD tailor sessions to the needs of the young people, who are between eight and 18-years-old.”

Rachel Peters, Community Development Officer for Sovereign, commented: "Our themes were community cohesion and growth and it has been great to support so many grassroots and resident-led projects that focus on bringing people back together and will make a real impact in our communities.”

Julian May, Head of Collaborative Funding for The Good Exchange, added: “As well as the grants received from Sovereign, many of these projects have also received and continue to be eligible for funding from other funders in the area and we look forward to continuing to help the local charitable sector in this way going forwards.”

“The ability for Sovereign to use The Good Exchange platform to give its grants alongside other grant funding organisations enables local charities to raise the money they need in a faster and more effective way, through a single application.


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