Charities can find out how to benefit from a fund-raising event to be held in Petersfield at an event this month.
The Charity Walk for Peace will be launched on Monday 28th January, giving local good causes a chance to get on board.
Organised by East Hampshire District Council and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association, the walk is planned to raise money for charity and promote community spirit in the district.
The walk is set to be held on 4th May 2019 and will take hundreds of walkers through Petersfield.
Last year’s event raised more than £10,600 and organisers are hoping to top that total this year.
The launch event will be held in EHDC’s council chamber, between 3.30pm and 7pm. Eligible community groups can come along at any time to talk to organisers, find out more about the event and apply to be a beneficiary.
Cllr Julie Butler, Deputy Leader at East Hampshire District Council, said: “The walk is a fantastic event which has got bigger and better every year. We are hoping that more walkers than ever before come along to take part this time and that we raise even more money for local charities.
Rizwan Khan, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association, said: “We were looking forward to meeting lots of charities during the launch day and encouraging more interest in the event.
“There are so many organisations doing so much good work in East Hampshire and it is our privilege to be able to arrange a fund-raising walk to support them.”
