A Hampshire veteran is making his final preparations to run the 150-mile Marathon des Sables challenge across the Sahara Desert, which starts on 23rd April.
Brian Wood (pictured), from Whitehall, Bordon, is on a countdown to the race – the third and final long-distance challenge for the former Colour Sergeant and Military Cross recipient.
The veteran ran 25 marathons in 25 days in November 2021 and last autumn ran 35 marathons in 35 days – including four on the Falkland Islands.
42-year-old Brian has raised more than £172,000 for Walking with the Wounded (WWTW), a charity helping veterans who have been mentally or physically wounded get back on their feet. He wants to make one final contribution with this challenge, to hit £250,000.
Fareham-based IT company, Matrix, was the first to step up to the plate with support for Brian, but more support is needed.
“The fact is that the conditions are so extreme and inhospitable that only 47% of the 1,000 runners actually complete the seven-day course across the endless sand dunes, mountains and white-hot salt plains,” said Brian. “And as if that wasn’t enough you have to carry what you need to survive on your back, which probably weighs about 10kg, so it’s absolutely vital I have the proper preparation.”
To support Brian see givepenny.com/brianmds.