Televison wildlife presenter, zoologist and conservationist Megan McCubbin has officially opened a new annexe at the National Bird of Prey Hospital near Andover, increasing the facility’s capacity to care for injured and sick birds of prey.
There is now the potential to treat and rehabilitate more than 200 orphaned, injured and sick birds of prey each year. Birds are often brought to the facility by members of the public or transferred from other wildlife centres and the patients are predominantly victims of road traffic accidents; youngsters that have fallen from nests; and sometimes birds that have been targeted by persecution activities.
Operated by the Hawk Conservancy Trust, a specialist bird of prey conservation charity, the hospital is also involved in breeding programmes and research for the conservation of species both in the UK and overseas.
Funded through a combination of corporate and public donations the new annexe features not only additional space, but also improved access for anyone bringing a bird for assessment and treatment and its modern construction further improves biosecurity.
The hospital is located at the Hawk Conservancy Trust’s visitor centre and the design of the new annexe makes it possible for educational visits to learn more about the hospital’s vital work.
Speaking about the Trust at the opening Megan McCubbin said: “It’s very important people come to places like this. When you look a bird of prey in the eye, there’s an intensity you can’t get anywhere else and that connection can spark a life-long interest in conservation which we need today more than ever. We need young conservationists being passionate about the world and places like this do that wonderfully.”
The Hawk Conservancy Trust funds its charitable work largely through the operation of its bird of prey visitor centre and flying displays at Weyhill near Andover, Hampshire — also the home of the National Bird of Prey Hospital.