Ahead of this year’s Boomtown, from 10th-14th August at the Matterley Estate near Winchester, festival organisers have announced their intention to be ‘net zero’ and to run the event on renewable energy by 2025.
The organisers are committed to becoming a ‘circular festival’ and net zero scope 1 & 2 greehouse gas emissions by 2025. This means they are working towards transforming Boomtown into a sustainable city that is run entirely on renewable energy, a circular economy city where people reject a throwaway society.
This year they are switching their fuel to hydrotreated vegetable oil, to reduce emissions from fuel consumption by 90%.
In 2019 they eliminated the sale of single-use plastic bottles at the festival, preventing the use of 225,000 plastic bottles a year. They will continue to encourage everyone to bring their own reusable bottles and food serveware. 100% of the food serveware at the festival is compostable.
The new main stage, Origin, is being built using with real plants and sustainable materials, a lot recycled from previous main stage Lion’s Den.
Every afternoon at the festival, people attending can listen out for the mobile pop-up sound systems and Eco-Warriors to get involved in the big Boomtown tidy. The Eco-Warriors will be handing out free 2023 festival tickets to the cleanest camps.