Residents are being urged to help clean up the streets, parks and green spaces of Winchester district for this year’s Great British Spring Clean.
Winchester City Council has pledged its support for the annual event, run by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy. It will run from March 22 to April 23, with more than half a million people across the country pledging to get picking to make Britain cleaner.
Winchester City Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Cllr Jan Warwick said: “We are so fortunate to have a beautiful and green district, but it is vital it is kept looking its best and the problem of litter is one that requires us all to play our part.
“The continued scourge of plastic and rubbish ruins the environment and blights our district, but by taking part in this campaign residents can help make this district a better place to live for us all.”
The council will be assisting local parishes and litter picking groups in the district by providing free high-visibility jackets, litter pickers and black bags, which they will collect after the event.
The Great British Spring Clean brings together individuals, community organisations, businesses and councils to make a difference to the environment on our doorstep. Last year more than 630,000 bags of rubbish were collected.
