People in Rushmoor are being asked to give their views on proposed changes to two of Aldershot’s conservation areas.
Rushmoor Borough Council has started a programme to review all of its conservation areas, beginning with the Cargate and Aldershot military conservation areas.
It is proposing to make a number of changes to both conservation areas and has launched a consultation to hear what people think of the plans.
The reviews are part of the council’s overall aim to protect and improve the heritage and character of Aldershot and Farnborough and build on the policies in the Rushmoor Local Plan.
To run alongside the reviews, the council is also consulting on its draft Locally Listed Heritage Assets supplementary planning document (SPD). This document sets out how the council will identify buildings and structures of local importance and the procedure for adding them to its local list. The document also identifies the relevant conservation principles which apply to these buildings and structures.
Both consultations started on Friday 31 January and will run until 5pm on Friday 13 March.
In Cargate, the council is proposing to change the boundaries of the conservation area. This would remove areas that do not reflect, or add to, the historic character of the area. Overall, the conservation area would be smaller, but more focused.
The Aldershot military conservation area takes account of the redevelopment of the military town and is aimed at looking to the future. Under the proposed changes, parts of the new Wellesley development would be included and other buildings, such as the Centre for Health, Army Careers Centre, Early Years Centre and military housing, would be removed.
In both areas, the council has also made Article 4 directions. These are aimed at protecting the character and heritage of the conservation areas. They remove some permitted development rights from properties and mean that if residents want to make certain changes to their homes, they may need to get planning permission first. The directions are effective immediately but will expire in six months unless the council decides to make them permanent. A consultation on the directions runs alongside the reviews.
The consultation on the draft Locally Listed Heritage Assets SPD asks people to consider if there are any buildings or structures they would like to see added – or removed – from the local list.
As well as finding out more and making comments on the council’s website, local people will be able to give their views at two drop-in sessions. These will be:
Cargate conservation area: Tuesday 25 February, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Aldershot Baptist Church, Upper Elms Road
Aldershot military conservation area: Wednesday 26 February, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Princes Hall
Councillor Marina Munro, Cabinet member for Planning and Economy at Rushmoor Borough Council, said: “Our conservation areas play an important role in maintaining the heritage and character of our towns. A lot has changed since we last reviewed them and our aim is that the changes we are proposing now will continue to protect, but also improve, the nature of these areas for future generations. The draft Locally Listed Heritage Assets supplementary planning document complements this work, and we hope people will take the time to look at the proposals in the consultations and give their views.”
The consultations will be available on the council’s website until Friday 13 March.
