Changes to Home to School Transport arrangements, being proposed by Hampshire County Council, will be the subject of a public consultation set to open on 31 January 2022.
Councillor Roz Chadd, the County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services, gave the go ahead for the consultation, after considering the report and recommendations, at her decision day (14.1.2022).
Through the Home to School Transport consultation, views will be gathered in response to two proposed changes: increasing the use of pick-up and drop-off points; and organising transport services to transport children from more than one school on a single journey.
Councillor Chadd commented: “This is an opportunity for people to tell us what they think about the proposed changes for Home to School Transport services. We would welcome feedback especially from children and young people who travel to school or college using this service, their parents and the schools and colleges. Gathering people’s thoughts and opinions is important and will help to inform any final decision that is made.”
The eight-week online consultation will be open until 27 March 2022. An information pack and questionnaire will be available, from 31 January, on People will also be able to request easy read, or other alternative format versions.
Additionally, a number of information events will be held where children, young people, parents and other interested stakeholders will be able to ask any questions they may have about the proposals. Details about the events will be published also on the consultation webpage.
In the meantime, more detail about the proposals can be read, online, in the full report published on the Council Meeting pages of the County Council’s website: