Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, has successfully secured £565,072 additional funding from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) to support organisations that are providing critical support to victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton during the pandemic.
Michael Lane said: “This emergency funding from the Ministry of Justice is very welcome, and will contribute significantly to supporting victims and vulnerable people in our area. I was impressed by the quality of the quick responses from our partners and am delighted, but not surprised, to have successfully secured grants for all those organisations that I submitted to the MoJ.
“The timing is also welcome as many charities, delivering key services, have been struggling to sustain funding streams during this time of Covid19 and have necessarily incurred cost as they embraced additional technology to sustain existing services to those for whom these are lifelines.
“This announcement comes during my virtual initiative ‘Safer Together Apart’ week which is focussed on raising awareness of domestic abuse, who it can affect and the services that are available to help and support victims. More information is available on my website www.hampshire-pcc.gov.uk.”
The MOJ funding is to meet the additional costs registered charities or social enterprise have incurred or will incur while adapting their services during the pandemic, and to cope with demand increases resulting from it, during this time period.
Organisations benefiting from the funding are Winchester Youth Counselling, Barnardo's, Wight DASH, Yellow Door (Solent), Trinity Winchester, City Life Church (Amber), The Hampton Trust, No Limits South, The YOU Trust, Victim Support and Stop Domestic Abuse.
The funding will provide additional counselling hours and outreach support to meet increased demand and enable investment in technology to take more services online and build capacity in this area.