The 1960s Casson Block in St George’s Street, Winchester, home to a number of businesses, eateries and the local Citizens Advice Bureau, has been revamped under a £175,000 scheme led by the City Council with Winchester BID.
The works were a response to calls from businesses in the area to improve the aspect from their premises. Refurbishments are now complete and include a facelift to the building’s frontage, a bigger and more attractive terraced area, new paving and lighting, plus the addition of planters and greenery.
Work has been carried out to create a more welcoming outdoor space where people can stop for a coffee and socialise, screened from the traffic by newly planted shrubbery. A new artwork called Intersection was also installed in February next to Manow restaurant, with its interpretation panel displayed in the walkway behind Rawberry.
Portfolio Holder for Economy and Arts, Cllr Rob Humby said: “This part of St George’s Street is so much improved – we can see from the people sitting out here how popular the sunny terraces are.”
