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Heart charity joins Christmas festivities

Wessex Heartbeat is joining forces with AFC Totton at the sixth annual Totton Lantern Parade to raise awareness of heart disease.

The parade, which is being held on December 2nd, will see a procession of more than 400 lanterns led by Father Christmas himself as well as the welcome return of the all-singing FA Cup choir.

Wessex Heartbeat will take a key role in the parade and use its attendance to spread the word about how a healthier lifestyle can help people avoid heart disease. The move comes as the charity works to reduce cardiac disease in the community and reduce the number of people affected.

John Munro, chief executive of Wessex Heartbeat, said of the event: “We are thrilled to be taking part in the Totton Lantern Parade alongside AFC Totton. It is a true community event and we hope to reach the people of Totton with our important message, as well as getting involved in the festive spirit. By taking part in the parade, we hope to educate the wider community about the steps they can take to keep their hearts healthy.”

Wayne Mew, AFC Totton Chairman, said: “As a club, we are proud to be a community hub and it’s important for us to look out for our local community. That’s why we’re delighted to partner with Wessex Heartbeat once again at this fantastic Christmas event.”

The parade starts at 5pm. Families looking to start the celebrations early can arrive from 2pm, where festive stalls and fairground rides will be available. Visitors will also have the chance to watch the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Army Cadet band and the Testwood Baptist Church who will be entertaining the crowds throughout the event.

Left to right: Tina Richardson (Wessex Heartbeat), Matthew Hill (Patient), Dave Penney (Vice Chairman, Totton FC), Simon Young (Chaplain, Totton FC) and Caroline Rackham (Councillor for Totton)


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