Phoenix Helicopters is the first firm to take up residence in the new purpose-built business hangars at Solent Airport.
The company has now moved its helicopters into the hangar and are enjoying the facilities at the award-winning business park.
Phoenix Helicopters was already an existing tenant at Daedalus but has now taken up residence in the business hangars as the airport goes from strength to strength.
It is the latest good news to emerge from the Council-owned airport as it won Development of the Year’ and ‘Business Park Innovation of the Year’ at the South Coast Property Awards.
Fareham Borough Council has invested over £30m in Solent Airport and business parks, since it took ownership of the airport in 2015.
Employment opportunities for local people have also been created by securing around 600 jobs of the 3,500 target for the Solent Enterprise Zone.
Paul Andrews, Managing Director of Phoenix Helicopters said: “We are pleased to be part of the early expansion of Solent Airport and to be the first ever helicopter flying school located here. The great location and facilities will enable us to continue to grow and we have many exciting plans for the future.”
Phoenix Helicopters has more than nine years’ experience in pilot training, charter and pleasure flying.