Home-Start Winchester is calling for new recruits to join their team of home visiting volunteers who work with families with at least one child under the age of five.
Candidates should ideally be parents themselves or have childcare qualifications and be prepared to undergo training before being carefully matched with a local family. Volunteers will spend two hours a week with their chosen family for between six months and a year until the family is better able to cope.
Home-Start volunteers provide non-judgemental support in the family’s own home as they try to deal with issues such as mental health, disability, multiple births, bereavement, isolation or some of the many problems that can afflict a family struggling with the demands of young children.
“Volunteers will often become a substitute mother or grandmother for families that have no support network to help them through difficult times. It is rewarding work and humbling to see how vulnerable families respond so readily to our help,” says Home-Start Co-ordinator Anne Macpherson.
“Full training is given and our next course for new volunteers - both male and female - starts at the end of September.
“Do get in touch,” says Anne. “We would love to hear from you.”
The new volunteer preparation course starts on Wednesday September 26th, from 1pm to 5.15pm at Lanterns Nursery, Bereweeke Road, Winchester SO22 6AJ. It will run for seven weeks excluding half term, finishing on Wednesday, November 14th.
For more information on this local charity and how you can get involved call 01962 851177 and ask for Anne or Liz; email info@home-startwinchester.org.uk or visit www.home-startwinchester.org.uk
