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Notices of Election published

The statutory Notices of Election have been published this week, ahead of the Hampshire County Council elections on Thursday 6 May 2021.

The date marks the first step in the official election timetable, in the lead up to polling day on 6 May, when people living in all 76 of the County Council’s electoral divisions choose who they want to run the range of essential local services that impact on all aspects of everyday life - for 1.4 million people living in the Hampshire County Council area.

Services delivered by the County Council include education, roads and social care for vulnerable children and adults, as well as access to the countryside, and libraries.

Two divisions elect two councillors, due to the size of the electorate, so Hampshire County Council consists of 78 councillors. Councillors represent all the people within their divisions, decide how £2.1 billion of taxpayers’ money is spent each year on the delivery of services for the residents of, and visitors to Hampshire. Councillors provide a focus for local people when they have concerns or want things done, using their local knowledge of the area and the issues affecting residents to help the County Council make decisions and check the quality of services it delivers.

District councils administer the County Council’s four-yearly elections on behalf of John Coughlan, the County Returning Officer and County Council Chief Executive. Mr Coughlan said: “Polling cards, and applications for postal and proxy votes will be issued by Hampshire’s district and borough councils for residents living in their area, but with some polling stations set to change for COVID safety reasons, and particularly to avoid disruption to schools, we would ask voters to check their polling card carefully for the exact location of their polling station for these elections.

“If you plan to vote in person on 6 May, polling stations will be safe places, and we have been working closely with Government, members of the electoral community and our Public Health teams to ensure the most up to date public health guidance is put in place as we prepare for the elections. COVID-safe measures will include hand sanitiser at the entrance to polling stations, and floor markings to remind people of the importance of keeping a safe distance. Voters can also keep themselves and others safe by wearing a face covering and bringing their own pen or pencil. You should not attend the polling station if you have symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been asked to self-isolate.”

If you would rather not attend a polling station on 6 May, you can vote by post or appoint someone you trust to vote in your place, known as a proxy vote.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 20 April. You can apply for a postal vote now.

For a proxy vote, the deadline is 5pm on 27 April.

It will be a combined election on 6 May with polls for Hampshire County Councillors, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire, district and borough councillors in some areas, and some parish/town councillors.

To vote in the elections, you must be registered by midnight on Thursday 19 April. It takes just five minutes to register online at If you’re not sure if you’re registered, contact your local district or borough council and they can check for you.

For information on the local elections, how to register to vote, or how to apply to vote by post or by proxy, visit the County Council’s elections webpages

Details are also available via the Electoral Commission These pages will continue to be updated ahead of the polls.


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