Hillier’s Haven, a new open space at Abbotts Barton, Winchester, has now opened for the enjoyment of local residents and visitors with paths through the woodland, a meadow area with stone fire pits, bird and bat boxes, and a sculpture trail.
The site was opened on Thursday 22 March by the Mayor of Winchester, Cllr David McLean, and Wonky the Woodpecker and included a host of activities from the Hampshire Wildlife Trust, the local Scout group and the Winchester City Council Sport and Physical Activity Team.
The site will also include interpretation boards showing a map of the area and details of the animals and plants that may be seen during a visit.
The improvements to this previously inaccessible site, which is adjacent to Hillier Way car park with access through Nuns Walk, were made possible by funding becoming available due to a recent affordable Council home development delivered by Winchester City Council in Hillier Way.