Improvements to Winchester Tourist Information Centre (TIC) are progressing apace and the City Council have offering a glimpse of the new interior.
Last summer the Council Cabinet approved plans for the £124k refurbishment project to modernise the welcome for a growing number of day and overnight visitors to the district. The refurbished centre will be officially opening at the start of the busy visitor season with the investment seeking to support businesses and make more use of innovative digital techniques.
Visitors to the new TIC can expect to experience a modernised layout that uses inspiring images of the city by local photographers to help give an immediate ‘sense of place’. Digital screens and tablets will relay information about attractions, events, shops and food and drink establishments. The centre will also provide new dedicated Box Office to support local events guided tour tickets and entry to the district’s many must-see attractions will also be on sale. A retail area is set to offer an improved choice of souvenirs, local produce and gifts.
Cllr Rob Humby, Winchester City Council’s Portfolio Holder for business said: “Winchester City Council is proud of the high quality of the local tourism industry. Our businesses continue to support us via our destination management partnership and the TIC is a key way we can invest back in the Visit Winchester brand and help spread the word about all the great things to see and do across the district.
The TIC continues to provide a high standard of service for visitors, residents and businesses alike, and at a time when many other Councils have opted to close their facilities this new centre will mean that the Visit Winchester brand has a greater impact and reach. We are investing in the future, adopting a forward-looking, modernising and entrepreneurial approach.”
