Year 5 and 6 pupils have been using their loaf to create new imaginative sandwiches as part of a community project run by Southern Co-op.
Judges sampled the top four sandwiches on Tuesday (3rd July), made by students at Bishop’s Waltham Junior School and their favourite will now go on sale at Julia’s Kitchen in Bishop’s Waltham for one week.
Now in its fourth year, the project is run by Southern Co-op and local home economist Davina Tibbetts with the backing of the Bishop’s Waltham Chamber of Trade and the Bishop’s Waltham Town Team. It aims to give children a better understanding of food and where it comes from including farming, seasonality, food miles and sustainability.
Davina said: “I am passionate about local and seasonal food and also children having the opportunity to understand about where food comes from... not just out of a carrier bag.
“Around 115 children took part in the programme this year which included four lessons including tastings. It was great fun and helped the children to develop their ideas for the next stage — creating their sandwiches.”
The eight finalists were:
Anya and Zoe, in Year 5, with Wiltshire ham, mature Winchester cheese, baby plum tomatoes and local lettuce on sourdough bread
Morgan and Guy, in Year 5, with Iceberg lettuce, diced chicken, chorizo, watercress and rocket on sourdough bread
Charlotte and Amelia, in Year 6, with chicken, mozzarella and pesto on white bread with sunblushed tomatoes
Bella and Grace, in Year 6, with chicken, bacon, tomatoes and cucumber on a baguette.
The judging took place on Tuesday at Piccola Roma with judges from Southern Co-op, BWCOT, Piccola Roma and Stainers Bakery.
The winners were Charlotte and Amelia, who were presented with certificates.
Jon Senior, Head of Upper School at Bishop’s Waltham Junior School, said: “The children really enjoyed the chance to bake their own bread and design their own sandwiches, and it’s been fantastic to work together with businesses in our community.”
