Hampshire County Council wants to hear what people think of two proposed changes to arrangements for its Home to School Transport Service.
An online consultation has opened, giving people until midnight on 27 March 2022 to contribute their response to the following potential changes:
Increasing the use of pick-up and drop-off points;
And, organising services to be able to transport children from more than one school on a single journey.
Councillor Chadd commented: “We would very much welcome feedback particularly from children and young people who travel to school using this service, as well as their parents or carers. We would also like to know what schools and colleges think, as well as invite governors and residents living in the local communities around schools and colleges to take part in the consultation. Gathering people’s thoughts and opinions is important and, alongside other factors, this will help to inform any final decision that is made.”
The potential changes may affect pupils of all ages, attending both mainstream and specialist schools. The proposed changes could provide opportunities for mixing of pupils across different age groups, and those in mainstream and specialist settings. Additionally, the use of safe, co-ordinated pick-up and drop-off points could be increased for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
An information pack, providing the background together with more detail and an explanation about the proposals, and the questionnaire can be found online at https://www.hants.gov.uk/aboutthecouncil/haveyoursay/consultations/schooltransport
Easy read, and other alternative formats such as in Braille or another language can be requested by emailing: school.transport@hants.gov.uk
Anyone who does not have access to the internet, can request a paper copy of the pack and questionnaire by calling: 0300 555 1384
Information events
Additionally, a number of information events will be held where children, young people, parents and other interested stakeholders will be able to ask any questions they may have about the proposals and the implications. People can register their interest to attend one of these events, online at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/home-to-school-transport-consultation-online-drop-in-events-tickets-255928487997
Next steps
An analysis of the consultation feedback will be included in a report with recommendations to be considered, for a decision, by Councillor Chadd in July 2022.
If the proposals are agreed, they would come into effect in September 2022.