With increasing numbers of no-shows for booked slots at Hampshire’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs), the County Council is urging people to book a slot to dispose of their household waste only if they intend to use it.
Councillor Rob Humby, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment said: “On a typical Saturday or Sunday, we have seen up to 60 no-shows at the bigger sites which means, of course, that’s 60 people in that area who could have used that slot. With the August bank holiday coming up, when HWRCs are often busier, I’d ask people to make sure they only book a slot at their local HWRC if they intend to use it.
“We are still operating at reduced capacity in order to keep safe social distancing measures in place for staff and residents, so I would ask people to only book slots they need so that there are enough to go round. It’s easy to cancel a booking if you change your mind or can’t make a slot after all – and as long as this is done the day before, the slot can be allocated to someone else in your community who needs it. Please don’t let your waste slot go to waste.”
Booking slots are available seven days in advance at each of Hampshire’s 24 HWRCs.
Bookings can be made online at www.hants.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/recyclingcentres/book-appointment or, by phone on 02380 179 949, Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm.
People wishing to cancel or amend a booking can do so via the link received on the confirmation email. This link enables residents to either cancel a booking or reschedule it to another available date and time.